Quick facts
Integration, image processing
Göteborgsvarvet Half Marathon
May 2023
.NET core, Azure functions, Postmark, Twilio
The automotive partner to Göteborgsvarvet Half Marathon wanted to celebrate all runners and provide their finish time in a relevant, convenient and sharable format.
This by providing personalized images to the runners, with their finish time displayed on the lead car roof clock, were to be sent directly after crossing the finish line.
We created an Azure Functions based websolution and hooked it up to the API of the race timer, est mika:timing. Every few seconds the timer sent a notification to our system with information about which runners finished since the last push which then in turn triggered a request to their result API to fetch the information about the runners and their results.
Once that information was collected, we created personalized images that were sharable in the corerct format for several social media platforms.
The images were sent via email to the runner with the images attached and a text message containing a link to a personal landing page for the runner, where they could download the images, was also sent.
Business outcome
The solution delivered a massive volume of images, according to plan, and distributed them as described above.
100% client satisfaction